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Reiki Healing & Universal White Light Utilisation

Reiki Therapy
Abstract Lights

Gentle Transformation

What is Reiki Healing & Universal White Light Utilisation?

Reiki is a simple yet profound Japanese energy healing practice that promotes healing on an emotional, mental, physical and spiritual level. It can be deeply transformative and supportive and regular treatment can be extremely beneficial to the overall health and wellness of body, mind and soul.


Reiki is based on the idea that 'Life Force Energy' flows through all of us. Rei, meaning spiritual and Ki, meaning energy. Together, the meaning becomes 'Universal Life Force Energy'. If one's life force energy is low, then we are more likely to become ill or feel stress, and if it is high, we are more capable of being happy and healthy.


For the more science-minded out there, there have been many experiments over the years in the area of Quantum Physics that find that we are part of a vast, invisible field of energy. If you'd like to understand more about this I highly recommend reading 'The Field' by Lynne McTaggart, just for starters!

I also offer other energy healing and balancing practices whereby you are guided via visualisation to work with universal white light to clear, renew, fortify and balance the energies in your physical and energetic bodies and aura. These techniques are simple to practice and learn so you can do them yourself at home for maintenance.

What Can You Expect?


Reiki is administered through the hands of the practitioner, either with hands laid gently on the body or raised slightly above it. You will be lying down (or seated if preferable for you) and remain fully clothed at all times, usually covered in a soft blanket to keep snug and with your eyes closed. There is no force or pressure used in the placing of hands. You will likely feel deeply relaxed during treatment and it's not unusual for people to fall asleep.


Reiki can also be sent from a distance, referred to as 'distance or remote' healing. With remote healing, the receiving participant can even carry on their usual activities whilst the energy is sent to them! Though, I recommend if possible, to take some time out to relax and be present during a session as this has additional benefits. This type of session starts with a phone call or online discussion and ends with a check in text message.

For other energy healing and balancing practices you can either be seated or lying down, as you prefer. You remain fully clothed throughout and with your eyes closed.


I will guide you in calling in and utilising universal white light to clear, ground, renew and fortify your energy, and repair your aura. You will also be taught others ways of utilising powerful and healing universal white light in your day to day life. These sessions can be done either face to face or online, both methods are equally effective.

Following these practices, you can expect to feel relaxed, rejuvenated, balanced and refreshed. The usual treatment length for either practice is 1 hour. You may choose to have a combined session of both practices which is a 2 hour appointment.


Cost of Treatment

Reiki in person session 1hr - £50


Reiki Remote session 1hr - £35

Universal White Light Utilisation In Person 1hr - £40

Universal White Light Utilisation Online 1hr - £30

Combination in person session 2hrs - £90

Combination remote & online - £65

I believe that everyone deserves access to improve their well-being therefore I reserve two appointments each month for those with no or low income, these are available on a first come first served basis. I hope to increase the availability of these appointments soon! See prices below:

Reiki In Person Session 1hr - £30


Reiki Remote Session 1hr - £20

Universal White Light Utilisation In Person 1hr - £20

Universal White Light Utilisation Online 1hr - £15

Combination in person session 2hrs - £60

Combination remote & online 2hrs - £45

All prices include a thorough and thoughtful consultation, plus check up and feedback discussions at each appointment and aftercare advice where beneficial.

Cancellation Policy


If you are unable to attend your appointment, please provide at least 24hrs notice. I'm afraid failure to do so may result in you being charged a fee for your missed appointment. Thank you for your consideration and understanding.

Feel  .  Heal  . Glow

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